Castle Manor Academy

Year 9 Dance

Dance Rotation 1

Theme: Urban Dance

Students will study the history and styles of urban dance forms such as street dance and break dance.   Urban dance forms offered opportunities for creative expression, gave a sense of freedom and a ‘voice’ to unrepresented and often invisible communities through the means of music and dance and can also help improve students’ creativity and self-expression. Students will be taught a range of footwork, floor work, freezes, and stunts and tricks in order to master the style of the content. Students will use these movements to create their own small group performances demonstrating their abilities and skills. We will also work on a teacher directed whole class piece to Hip-Hop music. 

 This unit is predominantly created by students following choreographic content of each style from the teacher. The chosen style is suited to the interests and age range of the students and develops their cultural capital. This style requires upper body strength, coordination and style specific technique and is therefore taught in Year 9.  Links to Units 2 and 3. Students can draw upon different dance styles for the creating unit and planning for production unit. 

Dance Rotation 2

Theme: Urban Dance

Students will study the style of Tutting, a Hip-Hop dance style derived from Egyptian art that emphasises the body’s ability to create geometric shapes (such as boxes) and movements – predominantly with the arms and hands and use of 90 degree angles. Students will develop their understanding of timing and rhythm, coordination and precision and work in groups to create their own performance piece.  

This unit is predominately created by students. This style requires quick movements that rely on accurate timing and coordination which is a vital skill required at GCSE. Therefore, it is taught in Year 9.  The chosen style is suited to the interests and age range of the students and develops their cultural capital.  Links to Unit 1 for timing and also Units 2 and 3 as students can draw upon different dance styles for the creating unit as well as planning for the production unit.