Curriculum Intent
At Castle Manor Academy, we ensure that all students, regardless of background, needs or ability have access to the same opportunities. Our curriculum is ambitious for all our students and is adapted and designed to ensure that every student can be successful.
Our school values are embedded within all our subject curriculums. We explicitly teach and expect children to work hard and to be kind, as well as modelling professionalism, resilience, optimism, understanding and drive (our PROUD values). This explicit teaching of our school values enables our students to become polite, confident and self-assured learners.
Our curriculum has English, Mathematics and Science at its core commitment. We believe that if each child establishes a solid foundation in their basic skills, then they will achieve in their other subjects more effectively. We have a focus on whole school reading and vocabulary, as we know that all students need to read fluently and develop excellent comprehension skills to achieve success in all other subjects. We provide support and catch-up lessons for students whose literacy skills are significantly below national averages on entry to our school.
Every subject curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced from year 7 through to year 11 to ensure that the curriculum builds on prior knowledge, and the students can continue to develop and link knowledge and skills throughout their five years at Castle Manor Academy. Throughout Year 7, 8 and 9 our students follow a broad and balanced curriculum where every child studies the following subjects; English, maths, science, history, geography, french, computing, art, life and culture, physical education, dance, music, drama, design and catering. At the end of Year 9 all students start their options process to choose the subjects they will study and learn in Year 10 and 11. In Year 10 and 11, every student continues to learn english, maths, science, physical education and life and culture. Students then select four other subjects. We encourage all of our students to choose the EBACC option subjects of History or Geography and a Language as this combination of subjects are important to keep their options open for further study and employment. Our whole curriculum prepares students to achieve academic results to enter their chosen post-16 pathway whilst building their character skills to prepare them for success in life beyond school.
The curriculum is delivered utilising a consistent and familiar approach across all subjects, ensuring students follow embedded learning habits and routines, while fostering independence. All of our lessons have strong starts with a silent Do Now and a learning map. Staff then utilise our Teaching and Learning priorities so that students receive a range of pedagogical techniques to facilitate learning of knowledge and skills. This includes expert knowledge instruction and recall, cold-calling during questioning, modelling and scaffolding of information, deliberate practice, timely feedback and adaptive teaching to respond to all student needs to close gaps in understanding.
If you require more information about the curriculum please contact Miss Cassels on
Please click on the tabs below to view the year group curriculum