Castle Manor Academy

SEND Education

Castle Manor Academy is a mainstream 11-16 secondary school which educates children and young people with a wide variety of learning needs.

We strongly believe that through high quality classroom teaching all children can be supported and challenged to make the best possible progress.

Our subject specialist staff recognise the differing needs of their students and understand many of the possible barriers to learning.

Through tailoring and differentiation, we aim to make sure that the needs of all students within the classroom and wider school are met. 

Key contacts

Paul Gardiner: SENDCO –

Claire Brown: SEND Manager –

Jemma McManus: SEND Administrator –

If a student is learning at a significantly slower rate than age-related expectations, or if they have a disability or learning need which acts as a barrier to their educational progress and attainment, then they are considered to have a Special Educational Need (in line with the SEND Code of Practice 2015). Students identified with SEND that need support over and above that which is normally available to students in the classroom through high quality teaching and tailoring are termed ‘SEND Support’. Students with additional SEND needs that are effectively supported within the classroom and require no additional intervention will continue to be monitored by the SENDco and Achievement Leaders. Parents/carers will be informed if their child or young person is being monitored for SEND.

Special Educational Needs are grouped into 4 main categories of need; 

  • Communication and interaction (e.g.: Autistic Spectrum Conditions (often termed ASD or ASC and including High Functioning Autism) or speech and language communication needs)
  • Cognition and learning (e.g.: Moderate and Severe learning difficulties, Profound and Multiple learning difficulties, and specific needs such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia)
  • Social, emotional and mental health difficulties (e.g.: Mental health difficulties such as anxiety and depression, or ADD, ADHD or attachment disorder)
  • Sensory and/or physical (e.g.: Disabilities that hinders or prevents them from using the facilities normally provided, for example: Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment, a Multi-sensory impairment or specific physical disability)

SEND will be identified by reviewing report cards and school tracking data over a period of time, and where appropriate, supported by evidence from additional testing and through focused classroom observation. Some students will have SEND Support on entry to the school depending on their longer term special education needs. Subject teachers and/or the tutor team will work with parents/carers and the student in the first instance to address any concerns with learning and development, referring to the SENDco if it is felt that they require more support than is provided in the classroom through high quality teaching and differentiation.

Some students will need to access to additional support to help them make progress. Support can be provided in many different ways, and subject teachers and the SENDco will work with the student and parents/carers to determine what is the best approach to take. Support might be provided within classroom or in small groups led by a teacher, teaching assistant or appropriate staff member. It may be for a short or longer period of time and will be regularly monitored by the class teachers and SENDCo through a cycle of ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ which typically lasts 6-8 weeks (a half term) in the first instance. Staff will work with parents/carers and the child or young person to plan support and they will be informed about the interventions offered and how they are making progress.

At Castle Manor Academy, we follow The SEND Code of Practice which is the legal framework for supporting students with SEND. This states that we must take a ‘graduated approach’ to providing support, making necessary adjustments to the way that we teach and support our students as far as is possible within our resources. We use the term ‘waves’ to show the level of support that a student might have.

High Quality Teaching & Learning:

Subject teachers plan for all students within their class, taking account of their targets and any additional needs. Teachers consider their seating carefully, the resources that are used, methods of communication with students, pace of lessons and home learning.

Wave 1:

The class teacher, tutor and/or teaching assistant will discuss progress with the child/ young person and their parents/carers and plan to provide additional support or adjusted approaches within the classroom, to help secure progress and to close gaps in learning. Support will be closely monitored by the subject teacher following the ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ cycle. If no progress is made or further strategies are needed, they will discuss next steps with the SENDCo. Parents/carers will be informed about any outcomes and next steps will be planned with the student’s involvement.

Wave 2:

The class teacher, tutor and/or teaching assistant, with the SENDCo, may plan additional interventions to support learning if it is felt that a student needs different or additional support than the high quality teaching within the classroom. This support could be, for example, from a Teaching Assistant or other member of the wider support team, or attending specific intervention sessions. This provision will be discussed and planned with the child/ young person and their parents/carers and progress will be monitored by staff with the SENDCo in the form of a Support and Success Plan. Support will be closely monitored by the subject teacher and SENDco following the ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ cycle. At this point, if the student requires support over and above that which is normally provided, they will be added to the school’s ‘SEND Support’ register, and parents/carers will be informed.

In a very small number of cases, it might be suggested that a student receives very specialist small-group intervention in English, Mathematics or to support communication or SEMH needs. This is often considered for Key Stage Three students (years 7, 8 or 9) who continue to find it more difficult to access the curriculum alongside their peer group, who find transition to the secondary phase more challenging than other children of the same age, or who have identified SEND needs that require specific programmes of support. Students are considered for intensive intervention if more than one cycle of quality first teaching and/or Wave 1 and 2 interventions have not been successful, or if they have a specific diagnosis that has specialist recommendation for small-group provision. Intervention groups are usually staffed by SEND support staff, and the curriculum is tailored to the specific needs of the students currently attending the intervention. The may also involve the SENDco and/or other members of the wider school with specific training that may support that students’ need. Transition back to a fully integrated timetable is a key part of the intensive intervention with social and emotional needs considered at every stage.

At Key Stage 4 (years 10-11) some students with SEND will have a tailored curriculum with a balanced course-load for GCSE. Timetable adaptations may be considered for those who need additional support over and above classroom differentiation and may be provided in the Learning Support area. Some students may be able to undertake work towards a Level 1 or 2 accreditation as an alternative pathway in preparation for post-16 pathways or employment/training.

Wave 3:

If a child or young person continues to make little or no progress over a sustained period of time, the SENDCo will seek advice from outside agencies such as Special Education Services, Speech and Language Therapists or the Educational Psychologist. In this case, the child or young person and their parents/carers will be asked to discuss the next steps at a meeting and asked to give written consent for external agencies to work with their child. The external agencies and the school will then work together to plan the best ways to provide support. Support will be closely monitored by the SENDco following the ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ cycle. If the school feels that the student requires additional provision and external support over the long term (usually one or more Key Stages) then it might be appropriate to consider and Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP). This is a legal document that outlines the needs of the student, and the provision and strategies that will be put in place by the wider team working with that child or young person and must be reviewed annually.

If you have a concern about your child’s learning and progress the first person to speak to is their academic tutor, usually via email or a phone call to the school and making an appointment if necessary. They may consult with other members of staff who work with your child and the SENDco and then speak to you again to discuss the next steps.

At Castle Manor Academy, SEND support is tailored to the needs of individual students whether mainstream or for students attending The Arch. Interventions are delivered for a specific period of time in order to close the gap in students’ learning. Interventions will change and/or cease if progress has been made, the attainment gap has closed or if they are no longer effective and another intervention needs to be considered.


Some of the interventions we are able to offer include:

  • Lexia Literacy Programme (Computer based adaptive programme)
  • ELSA (Emotional Literacy)
  • Guided reading and writing (a booster class for small groups)
  • Letters and sounds (phonics catch up)
  • PiXL Code (Phonics an intensive spelling and reading programme)
  • Speech and Language therapy exercises (following targets set by the Speech and Language Therapist)
  • Specific exercises to develop fine motor skills (helping with handwriting and practical tasks) that may be advised by an Occupational Therapist
  • Talk Boost (to develop social skills and speech)
  • Over-learning Maths sessions
  • Working memory strategies
  • Lego Club & other social skills opportunities
  • The Princes Trust programme (designed for Key Stage 4 students)

Support is allocated by the SENDco in conjunction with curriculum team leaders, teaching assistants, learning mentors and Achievement Leaders. When deciding what support is most appropriate for a student, we consider:

  • The child’s progress over a period of time and attainment within age-related expectations;
  • Current level of additional support staff within that students’ class;
  • Identified gaps within children’s knowledge, understanding or skills;
  • Expertise of school staff and availability of staffing;
  • Time available within the school day, enhancement time and within GCSE and other courses;
  • Any professional advice given by other specialists.

At Castle Manor we are very experienced at welcoming new students, both into Year 7 as the first year of the secondary phase, and those students who join us mid-year. We have a clear programme of transition which is tailored to individual student needs. We are also experienced at supporting our students as they take their next steps after their time at Castle Manor, supported by Mr Course, the Pathways manager.

Transition planning starts in Year 6 (or earlier if a student has an EHCP or complex SEND) with our open evening, and additional visits to the school on a normal working day. Some students with additional needs might need further familiarisation lunches in the Summer Term prior to Transition Week which are organised by the SENDco and primaries with parents/carers. Transition continues into the start of Year 7 with SEND Support Team being focused initially on settling in and establishing expectations and routines with SEND students.

If you would like to book an appointment to speak to the SENDco about your child or young person’s additional needs prior to starting at Castle Manor Academy, please call 01440 705501 or email: .

The SENDco regularly works with staff on developing their knowledge of specific needs and strategies for providing quality first SEND teaching in the classroom and additional interventions. Staff may receive specific training from external agencies such as Speech and Language Therapy Service, Educational Psychology and County Inclusive Support Service (who focus on Autism and behavioural needs). Teaching Assistants all have an annual professional development target which involves undertaking specialist training in an aspect of SEND.

In the first instance, please raise your concerns with your child/ young person’s form tutor who will raise the concern if needed with the Achievement Leader and the SENDco if needed.

For updates and queries regarding referrals to external agencies, please contact the SENDco directly.

At Castle Manor Academy the SENDCo is Mrs Jennifer Beaton: Castle Manor

Academy Tel 01440 705501

Suffolk County Council currently provides additional funding for children with SEND called ‘higher tariff needs funding’ (HNF). There is currently no direct funding attached to students who have an EHCP and any additional support for these students must be applied for through the HNF route. Schools must apply for this funding on a termly basis and it is for the small percentage of students with more complex SEND. This is spent on providing high quality Teaching Assistants, teaching staff specialising in SEND needs who work with students in the support base and in delivering specific interventions.

Funding can also be used to provide Educational Psychology assessments and additional resources which are not usually provided in schools as part of routine assessments and provision.

The local offer is the range of services and support available throughout Suffolk. The local offer can be found via the following link:

We also support students who are Looked After and have SEND, and as such liaise with a number of local authorities through their LAC & PEP review process. For more information, please contact the Designated Teacher, Jack Watkinson

If for any reason you have a concern about your child, the first point of call is always your child’s academic tutor or Achievement Leader. Depending upon the nature of your enquiry, they might refer you on to the SENDco. If they are unable to solve the issue for you, please make an appointment via the school office to speak with the Headteacher, Mrs Whitcombe.

Further Information