Castle Manor Academy

Personal Development

At Castle Manor Academy we believe that students should be happy, safe and feel free to express the characteristics that make them unique.  

We believe in opportunity for all, so that students can have experiences which broaden their horizons and further their aspirations.  

We want them to build relationships that are safe and supportive but that challenge them to be the best versions of themselves. We want students to know if they need help then they will receive it.  

We want students to have resilience, courage and the skills to navigate a changing and ever demanding world. We want them to understand themselves so they can be mentally and physically healthy and if they struggle, know how to self-regulate and manage.  

We support our students personal development though a whole school approach. We link this with helping them to understand Fundamental British Values which we link to our school PROUD values.

Some of the ways we support students include:

Life and Culture – In Key Stage 3 students have both Life (personal, social, health and economic) and Culture (religious education), which we hope will help them develop understanding about themselves as well as the wider world. We also have external speakers who help deliver our sex and relationships education at different times of the year. 

Subject Curriculum – Our students study a broad and balanced curriculum which enables them to learn a wide range of knowledge and skills helping to broaden their understanding of the modern world and their place within it.  

Careers – Mr Course is our careers leader. He meets with all Key Stage 4 students individually to offer one-to-one advice for post-16 pathways. Throughout their time at Castle Manor, all students will have the chance to take part in careers fairs, meetings with business owners, work experience and 1to1 mentoring opportunities. 

Duke of Edinburgh – All Year 9 and above have the opportunity to take part in the DoE scheme, which includes an overnight trek and camping with Mrs Baldwin or outdoor education co-ordinator. 

Foreign and Domestic Trips – We host trips twice a year which includes skiing, PGL activities adventure or a foreign week long learning experience. 

School Productions – Each year we perform a full musical in which all students have the opportunity to participate. Our Key Stage 3 and 4 musicians and dancers have the chance to perform for parents, staff and other students.