At Castle Manor Academy we aim to be a safe, calm, and supportive environment for all staff and students.
We believe that all staff and students at Castle Manor Academy have the right to be treated with respect and courtesy. They also have the right to work and study in an effective well-ordered learning environment, where standards of behaviour and aspiration are high.
We believe that all students should Work hard, be kind and be PROUD.
The Behaviour Curriculum
At Castle Manor Academy we believe that positive behaviour can be both taught and learnt.
Opportunities, both formal and informal, are provided within the day-to-day curriculum to teach and demonstrate positive behaviour to our students.
We expect all adults to act as positive behaviour role models for our students.
Positive behaviour will be taught and reinforced through:
- The pastoral curriculum, The CMA Way, morning muster, assemblies, and tutor time
- Formal transition for year 7, as well as the induction programme for students joining the academy at other times.
- Enrichment activities and extended opportunities for participation
10 Steps to Excellence
Castle Manor Academy has high expectations of our students’ behaviour. To support this, we use the ’10 Steps to Excellence’ which we expect our students and staff to always follow. These articulate how we expect our community to behave and are the foundation of our behaviour curriculum.
Our 10 Steps to Excellence form the basis for all recognition and consequences:
- We are here to learn and work hard.
- We are in school and in the right place at the right time.
- We are professionally dressed in full school uniform and equipped to learn.
- We follow instructions when they are given.
- We communicate by talking, not shouting.
- We are always kind, respectful and polite.
- We apply our best effort to every task.
- We will complete all homework and revision.
- We take pride in our school environment and equipment.
- We always conduct ourselves safely.
The Castle Manor Way
To enable students to be able to live and demonstrate the 10 Steps to Excellence we have ‘The Castle Manor Way’. The CMA Way is our document that details how we do things at Castle Manor Academy including mustering, strong starts, and epic endings to name a few.
It contains step by step instructions for students and staff that support all members of our community to work hard, be kind and be PROUD. It ensures we have clear structures and routines that support consistency in everything we do at the Academy.