Castle Manor Academy

Key Stage 3 Computing

Year 7

Using Computers Safely Effectively and Responsibly
Students will complete a course that introduces them to the concepts of using computers safely in both a work and social environment.
Students will gain an understanding of how computers are both a tool and a hazard as well as how to avoid errors in judgement – E-Safety.
Students will also learn about the components that make up a computer system.
Office Skills: Microsoft PowerPoint
Digital Graphic Creation
Students will create digital graphics and understand the difference between Bitmaps & Vector Graphics. Students will update the learning Journal – PowerPoint (Bitmap & Vector Graphics skills & knowledge in Y7 links to coursework at KS4)
Office Skills: MS PowerPoint continued
Programming: Adobe Fireworks
Students will be introduced to programming concepts that set up the fundamentals of computing programming in any coding language. Students will have had some coding experience at Primary School using Scratch. In the Y7 POS they are introduced to Python using the Python Turtle to create increasing complex shapes and patterns.
Office Skills: MS PowerPoint continued
Programming: Python
Understand filing system and drives · Understand the risks and opportunities associated with computers · Limit the risks associated with social media · Understand the threats to computer systems · Understand different audiences and purposes · Present work for a given audience and purpose · Utilise standard programs to achieve high quality outcomes · Integrate various programs for more efficiency Create small programs · Break processes down into smaller re-usable chunks · Create multimedia elements

Year 8

Web Design
Students will develop a website and the elements that are used to make interactive multimedia sites such as animated graphics. Students will learn to create websites and the elements that are used to make interactive multimedia sites such as graphics and JavaScript. Understanding of the underlying elements of a website will give Students an ability to begin to create their own websites. Students will also learn about online Search Engines and the use of Boolean Logic. (Web design skills & knowledge in Y8 links to coursework at KS4).
Office Skills: Microsoft PowerPoint & Publisher
Multimedia: Adobe Dreamweaver
Spreadsheet Modelling & Web Design & Design
Students will learn the basic functions of a spreadsheet and progress onto making their own spreadsheet to solve their own problems. An understanding of spreadsheets and how they are used to model real situations and predict outcomes is useful in many situations in life.
Office Skills: Microsoft Excel
Multimedia: Microsoft Excel
Students will be continue to develop programming skills. Students will start with developing their skills using Python Turtle, but will then explore creating more complex programs solving real life problems.
Multimedia: Adobe Dreamweaver
Programming: Python
· Use spreadsheets to find solutions · Create spreadsheet solutions to real life situations · Create multimedia elements · Experiment with designs and apply design rules · Create simple, logical programs · Create programs to solve real life problems · Understand logical constructs within programs · Use programming techniques to simplify routines

Year 9

Digital Imaging
Students will complete a digital imaging project that meets the needs of a client. Students will use a wide range of techniques and demonstrate a good understanding of compression techniques and why different file types are used. (Digital Imaging skills & knowledge in Y9 links to coursework at KS4). Office Skills: PowerPoint
Multimedia: Adobe Fireworks
Web Development and the impact of computers on society – ecological, legal, ethical
Students will learn how the use of IT impacts on society as well as the ecology of the planet. An understanding of the legal framework which users must use when copying and using information as well as the ways in which IT is both helping and hindering the planet will allow Students to make informed decisions. Students will continue to develop their web development skills and include some to make interactive multimedia sites such as graphics. video & sound. (Web Development & knowledge in Y9 links to coursework at KS4).
Office Skills: Word
Multimedia: Adobe Dreamweaver
Digital Sound Sequence & Coding in Python
Students will Design &create a Digital Sound Sequence using a range of audio sources. Students work to create a text based adventure – using variables, selection and iteration. Students explore how casting can be used to modify data to produce a more reliable program that is less likely to fail following a user input.
Office Skills: Microsoft PowerPoint & Publisher
Multimedia: Audacity
Coding: IDLE: Python
· Understand laws relating to computing and IT · Explore how computers affect society · Create digital multimedia elements · Experiment with designs and apply design rules · Develop understanding of Computer Networks and data transfer