Castle Manor Academy


Subject Overview

Students work with a variety of materials to record their own responses to a series of themes and complete a minimum of two projects with two final pieces. Year 10 have worked on project themes such as ‘Sealife’ ‘Sweet Treats’ and ‘Jungle’. If two projects are fully completed in Year 10 there is an opportunity to study their own theme, in Year 11, as they become more independent and complete a third project.

Painting and print materials will be supplied in lessons and some items can be borrowed for home learning tasks. In the past we have secured funding to supply students with an art kit and a sketchbook though we cannot guarantee this every year. There will be no other charges for the duration of the course (unless we go on a trip). Pupil Premium students will be supported to cover these costs.

If you are choosing Art you need to be committed, enjoy being creative and have plenty of time to spend on your work. Art as a subject is the most time-consuming! Good attendance is essential in this 100% coursework-based subject.

Course Information

Art lessons are planned to encourage the development of ideas, research of artists and include the teaching of processes and skills. Students will be expected to experiment with a range of techniques and materials such as print, photography, CAD (Computer aided design), paint and sculpture.

Home learning is set in line with lesson learning to embed the skills learnt. It is an expectation that students should set their own independent tasks to do in their sketchbook weekly as well as complete deliberate practise tasks set by their teacher following a demonstration in class.


Students will be marked on four different areas of the AQA criteria which includes making observations, using varied materials, studying artists, and developing ideas for a final piece. They do this in both coursework (60% of final grade) and the exam component (40% of final grade). Students should be aware that alongside all practical work there is quite a heavy written element where students discuss their own work and the work of others. Students must complete all areas of the criteria.


For those students who wish to study art at post-16, further support is given through enrichment to help students prepare portfolios for college applications. Students who have been successful in GCSE Art, have proceeded to study A-Level Art, Level 3 Digital Media, Fine Art, and Graphics. These courses can then lead to employment and apprenticeship opportunities and the ability to study for a degree.