Castle Manor Academy

GCSE Geography

Subject Overview

Geography helps to make sense of the world around you. It is hands-on and is relevant, and it is fun. The course will give you the chance to get to grips with some of the big questions which affect us and understand the social, economic, and physical forces and processes that shape and change our world. 

This course includes attending field trips, allowing you to gain real-life hands-on experience in developing empathy and understanding with people and places. Geography holds the key to providing the link between the sciences and humanities. 

Course Information

Living with the physical environment  
The challenge of natural hazards.
The living world. 
Physical landscapes in the UK.  
Geographical applications  
Time spent discussing a current geographical issue. 
Includes two field trips focussing on both human and physical geography .
Challenges in the human environment
Urban issues and challenges. 
The changing economic world. 
The challenge of resource management.
Geographical skills  
Map and atlas skills.
Sketch maps.
Photo Interpretation.
Graph skills.


Geography is assessed through 3 written exams as follows: 

Living with the physical environment Written exam (1 hour 30 minutes) worth 88 marks and totalling 35% of the overall GCSE grade. 
Challenges in the human environment  Written exam (1 hour 30 minutes) worth 88 marks which totals 35% of the overall GCSE grade. 
Geographical applications Written exam (1 hour 15 minutes) worth 76 marks which totals 30% of the overall GCSE grade. Pre-Release resources will be available 12 weeks before the exam date. 


Geography as a subject is highly regarded by post-16 institutions and universities and has been proven to open doors to a variety of different careers – such as social work, meteorology, architecture, marine biology, foreign aid and airline pilot.