Castle Manor Academy

PROUD in 10

At Castle Manor Academy we have incredibly high expectations and these are covered in detail in our Behaviour Policy.

These expectations cover all aspects of school life ranging from uniform and equipment, to school trip behaviour and finer details are contained in the relevant sections of the website.

Our PROUD in 10 covers the key aspects we expect students to demonstrate every single day. These are as follows:

1.   Be here every day, on time

2.   Come fully equipped

3.   Wear uniform professionally

4.   Enter the room and complete the lesson as the teacher expects

5.   Sit in assigned seats

6.   Apply best effort to every task

7.   Stand behind your chair silently before being dismissed

8.   Speak in full sentences using standard English

9.   Be respectful and polite in every aspect of Academy life

10. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself