| Mrs S Bailey | Administration Assistant | sbailey@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs B Baldwin | Learning Outside the Classroom Coordinator | bbaldwin@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss P Bassett | Teaching Assistant – The Arch | pbassett@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss E Bayne | Teacher of Science | ebayne@castlemanor.org.uk |
| | | |
| Mrs L Black | Teacher of English | lblack@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs S Blackmore | Pastoral Administrator | sblackmore@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr K Bonas | Achievement Leader Year 7; Head of Hamlet; Teacher of PE; Director of KS3 | kbonas@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss C Brown | SEND Manager | cbrown@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs D Brown | Teacher of Maths | dbrown@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss D Bruce | Teacher of PE; Team Leader for Life and Culture | dbruce@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss R Bushell | Teacher of PE; Year 11 Achievement Leader; Director KS4 | rbushell@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss M Butler | Teaching Assistant | mbutler@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss B Byrne | Teacher of History | bbyrne@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs J Carter-Miller | Science Technician | jcarter@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr N Carter-Miller | Science Technician | nmiller@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss L Cassels | Deputy Headteacher; Teacher of Science | lcassels@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs M Chilton | SEND Administrator for The Arch. | mchilton@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss L Clay | Cover Manager/Instructor | lclay@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss C Clarke | Teaching Assistant | cclarke@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss C Clarke | Student Medical Needs Officer | caclarke@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs P Cleary | Examinations Officer | pcleary@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Ms A Cofer | Teacher of English | acofer@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr D Course | Careers Leader; Data Manager | dcourse@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs M Crissal | Deputy Safeguarding Lead | mcrissal@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss L Curtis | Teaching Assistant | lcurtis@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs K Dobell | Attendance Officer | kdobell@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr E Dobell | DT and Art Technician | edobell@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr R Dovaston | Team Leader for PE and Business; Teacher of PE | rdovaston@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss E Dwyer | Office Administrator and Receptionist | edwyer@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs C Eady | Learning Mentor | ceady@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss J Ennis | Teaching Assistant | jennis@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss L Eyre | Team Leader of English | leyre@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr M Fellows | Cover Supervisor | mfellows@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr A Fielden | Teacher of Geography; Year 8 Achievement Leader | afielden@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss T Fisher | Teacher of Science | tfisher@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs J Folan | Careers Administrator | jfolan@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr G Foley | Teacher of ICT; Teaching Assistant | gfoley@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr P Gardiner | SENDco; Teacher of Drama | pgardiner@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss L Golding | Higher Level Teaching Assistant – The Arch | lgolding@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr D Grant | Teacher of English | dgrant@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs S Hanagan | Cognition and Learning Specialist Teacher – The Arch | shanagan@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss N Harriss | Teacher of English | nharriss@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss T Harriss | Cover Supervisor/Instructor | tharriss@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs R Hendricks | Catering Technician | rhendricks@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs B Hodges | Teaching Assistant – The Arch | bhodges@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr T Holder | Teacher of PE | tholder@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss L Howard | Learning Mentor | lhoward@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss G Hubbard | Teacher of Mathematics | ghubbard@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr T Hughes | Assistant Headteacher, Teacher of Science and PE | thughes@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs M Humphry | Second in Charge of Mathematics | mhumphry@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs E Hunte | Intervention Officer | ehunte@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs G Jackson | Team Leader of Mathematics | gjackson@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs J Jacobs | Higher Level Teaching Assistant | jjacobs@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss T James | Cover Supervisor | tjames@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs Rachel Johnson | Teaching Assistant | rjohnson@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Ms J Jones | Team Leader for Humanities | jjones@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr B Jones | Specialist Provision Lead Teacher – The Arch | bjones@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss A Kennard | Teacher of Science | akennard@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr R Letter | Custodian/Caretaker | rletter@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr G Marks | Team Leader for Science | gmarks@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss C Marsh | Office Administrator and Receptionist | cmarsh@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr J Mason | Teacher of Maths | jmason@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr B Matthews | Team Leader of Modern Foreign Languages | bmatthews@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss S McGuiness | Teaching Assistant | smcguiness@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs J McGlue | Teaching Assistant – The Arch | jmcglue@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss A McKeown | Teacher of Art | amckeown@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs J McManus | Finance Assistant; HR Administrator | jmcmanus@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs G Mitchell | Leadership Team Admin Assistant | gmitchell@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs K Moralee | Learning Mentor | kmoralee@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Ms R Nanyonjo | Teacher of MFL | rnanyonjo@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs C Neech | Teacher of Geography | cneech@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr A Newman | Estates Manager | anewman@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs L Newton | Teaching Assistant | lnewton@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs L Nyberg | Team Leader for Creative Arts (Dance, Music, Drama) and ICT | lnyberg@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs E Perry | Attendance Officer | eperry@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr J Player | Teaching Assistant | jplayer@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr K Player | Caretaker | kplayer@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs C Plunkett | Achievement Leader for Year 9; Teacher of Music | cplunkett@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs L Ponova | Learning Mentor | lponova@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs A Puthayathraj | Teaching Assistant | aputhayathraj@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Ms V Rajcoomar | Teaching Assistant – The Arch | vrajcoomar@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs M Ransome | Teaching Assistant | mransome@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs S Reilly | Assistant Headteacher, Teacher of English | sreilly@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs L Samuels | Attendance Manager | lsamuels@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs A Samuels | Teacher of Mathematics | asamuels@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs J Selwood | Library and Display Assistant | jselwood@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs M Sharp | Second in charge of English, Teacher of English | msharp@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss B Sharrod | Teaching Assistant – SEND; Resource Hub – The Arch | bsharrod@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs B Sims | Teacher of French | bsims@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr M Smitheram | Senior Caretaker | msmitheram@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss J Sparks | Librarian and Wellbeing Officer | jsparks@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss C Spurling | Team Leader for Art & Technology; Teacher of Catering | cspurling@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs L Stubbings | Learning Mentor | lstubbings@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs J Taylor | Office Manager | jtaylor@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr J Teare | Teacher of Design Technology, 3D Design and Photography | jteare@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss A Varney | Teaching Assistant | avarney@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr J Watkinson | Designated Safeguard Lead; Teacher of Science | jwatkinson@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mr R Webb | General Assistant | rwebb@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss M Wells | Teacher of Life & Culture; Year10 Achievement Leader | mwells@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Miss A Weston | Teacher of Science | aweston@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs V Whitcombe | Headteacher | vwhitcombe@castlemanor.org.uk |
| Mrs S Wright | Teaching Assistant | swright@castlemanor.org.uk |