Castle Manor Academy

Support for Staff

Unity Schools Partnership Wellbeing Core Offer for Staff

At Unity Schools Partnership, we are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of all our pupils, students and staff, and our school communities. Life’s challenges and experiences will affect emotional health and wellbeing and at times, individuals may need additional emotional support.

We believe that positive mental health is everybody’s business and that we all have a role to play in understanding emotions, sharing concerns and worries and promoting self-esteem, confidence and emotional resilience. We support each other to be able to manage setbacks and make positive changes for the future.

We are committed to working as quickly as possible towards the ambition that all Unity Schools Partnership employees are entitled to and will receive the following wellbeing support:

Specialist Support

  • Employee Assistance Programmes, including (e.g.) counselling, crisis support
  • Independent Occupational Health provider
  • Dedicated, specialist trust HR Team
  • Qualified school nurses, offering termly drop in sessions to support staff with their own wellbeing
  • Trust Mental Health Lead

Targeted Support

  • Supervision for members of staff in emotionally challenging roles (e.g. Designated Safeguarding Leads, Family Support Workers, Emotional Literacy Support Assistants, Headteachers) from trained staff (internal and external)
  • Stress management toolkit for staff requiring support
  • Regular wellbeing check-in meetings for staff requiring support

Universal Support

  • A named Mental Health Lead in every school, who is part of the Senior Leadership Team, with the relevant training and responsibilities
  • At least one named Mental Health First Aider in every school, and in the central team
  • Dedicated spaces for staff to work and take breaks
  • Opportunities to discuss ideas and concerns, e.g. staff wellbeing team, events committee, standing agenda item at briefings/meetings, anonymous suggestion box etc.
  • Appraisal meetings which include an opportunity to discuss workload and wellbeing
  • A trust-wide Staff Wellbeing Policy
  • A commitment to accommodate flexible working arrangements in all schools, and in the central team
  • Leaders who engage with their staff, are aware and take account of the main pressures on them, and are realistic and constructive in the way they manage staff, including their workload
  • Other trust-wide policies including (but not limited to):
    • Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy
    • Staff Absence Policy
    • Parental Leave Policy
    • Harassment and Bullying Policy
    • Whistleblowing Policy
  • Staff incentive schemes, e.g. discounted gym membership, cycle to work scheme etc.
  • Line management support, including mentoring, coaching and supervision, from trained leaders
  • An annual staff survey, including a focus on wellbeing, which is reported to governors and the trust board
  • Return to work interviews, risk assessments for pregnant staff etc. with trained staff, in line with trust policies

Staff Wellbeing

In addition, at Castle Manor Academy, we commit to supporting staff wellbeing in the following ways:

  • Free tea and coffee and refreshments for staff at evening events and on PD days
  • Peer-led support including shared treats and bookshelves
  • A free supply of sanitary products
  • A commitment to recognising staff achievements in various ways including briefings, noticeboards, emails etc
  • A central place for mental health and wellbeing on the school improvement plan and a dedicated mental health governor
  • A dedicated Wellbeing team and space which staff can access when they need to and make suggestions for other support
  • Staff training focused on wellbeing
  • Workload friendly policy decisions