Castle Manor Academy

Year 9 English

Autumn Term (19th Century Literature)

Women in Literature (2 lessons)Text: Jane Eyre
Knowledge: Victorian attitudes to children and childhood; rural isolation; Christianity; Victorian sickness; juxtaposition in Jane Eyre.
Vocab: Dependent, to oppress, juxtaposition, thesis, to humiliate, hypocrite, comeuppance.
Assessment/Skills Mapping· Recap of skills from Year 8 · Janus-faced sentences
Grammar (1 lesson)Mastery Writing 3 lessons 28-45 plus Mastery Writing 4 lessons 1-21: Subordinate clauses; quantifiers; defining and non-defining relative clauses; appositives; past perfect tenses; future perfect tenses; using conditionals.
Writing (1 lesson)4-week cycles teaching, modelling, writing and editing different text types: More independent writing time than year 7 and 8 but still some feedback given before polished pieces completed
Reading (1 lesson)Direct Reading Instruction for the continuing of development of fluent and comprehending readers (Prose, Fiction & Non-fiction, Poetry)
‘Humble Pie’ – Matt Parker
‘Boys Don’t Cry’ – Malorie Blackman
‘Things Fall Apart’ – Chinua Achebe
‘And then there were none’ – Agatha Christie
‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’ – Stephen Chbosky