Castle Manor Academy

Year 9 French

Welcome to the third year of learning French!

Having grown our familiarity with French last year, we are looking to further this knowledge and refine our skills this year. Learning new skills and words are not always easy and we encourage our students to be resilient and driven in their learning, as we know it will pay off.

Mr Matthews and Mrs Nanyonjo teach together in the department and both have good experience of teaching these more complex elements of learning.

Our curriculum builds on last year’s learning. In year 9, we learn about key aspects of pronunciation, expanding our use of pronouns, negative structures and we continue to develop use of different time frames (imperfect and conditional tenses). Cultural understanding is still important as we look at new aspects of French culture over the year, which match our learning.

Over the past few years, we have been involved in trips abroad (Paris, Cologne, Madrid) for Years 8 and 9. These trips really demonstrate language learning in action.

Section 2: Curriculum Intent for that Year group

The learning is sequenced by term, across a broad topic “area” but mainly by grammar, so that students have language which is useful and important for communication. The broad topic areas have been chosen to give students language that they need to communicate in both spoken and written forms. The Core Knowledge and Grammar are carefully planned through an ambitious intent. Phonics will be promoted throughout.

The nature of the curriculum is that it is cyclical, and that phonics, grammar and vocabulary will always thread through the topic blocks and be revisited (and deepened) at appropriate stages, as students progress throughout their study of French.   

Section 3: Curriculum Map for Year 9

Year 9​ 
​ Autumn​ Spring ​ Summer​ 
Theme / Topic​ My family and I​ My future​ The World Around Me​ 
Grammar​ Negatives/ using different pronouns​ Conditional tense / Impersonal Vbs​ Speaking to communicate​ 
Culture​ Coco Chanel / Festival of Lights​ French businesses​ Jacques Cousteau / Art in Paris​