At Castle Manor Academy, we are committed to ensuring that our children and young people attend school as regularly as possible and on time, and we are grateful to parents and carers for their support. High levels of attendance and punctuality are important in enabling our students to become responsible, independent members of society.
At Castle Manor Academy, attendance is managed and monitored by the attendance team – Mrs Samuels, Mrs Dobell and Mr Watkinson.
All children and young people work daily in their tutor groups and assemblies to understand the importance of regular school attendance. If they are having difficulties that might prevent them from attending school regularly, they should speak to their tutor, their learning mentor, their achievement leader or the attendance team, who will facilitate support being offered.
Everyone should arrive at school on time, ready to learn. If they are late they must report to reception to ensure that their attendance is recorded. Everyone must ensure that they arrive on time to all lessons, dressed and equipped correctly. Following periods of absence, students will engage in “return to school” meetings with a member of staff to discuss the reason for their absence and any support they require to reduce absence in the future.
Further Information
We recognise that there are occasions where a child or young person might be prevented from attending school, for example because of sickness. In these circumstances, the parent or carer needs to contact the school to notify us on the first and each subsequent day of the absence. This should ideally be by telephone on 01440 705501 ext. 102, but the information can also be sent by text or email.
Wherever possible, parents should avoid making medical/ dental appointments for their children during school hours However, if these appointments are unavoidable, parents can speak with the Attendance Team (contact details above) about how to minimise the impact of the appointment. Parents will be expected to produce evidence, such as an appointment card or prescription.
Parents and carers do not have the right to take their children out of school for a holiday during term time. All holidays will be regarded as unauthorised absence unless there are exceptional circumstances when, at the Headteacher’s discretion, the absence may be authorised. Parents must request authorisation, at least four weeks in advance, using the academy’s Leave of Absence Request Form. This can be obtained from the attendance team.
It should be noted that only the school can authorise absence, not the parent or carer. Academy staff need not accept a parental explanation for a child’s absence. Where no satisfactory explanation is given, the absence will be treated as unauthorised.
Students who are late to school are given a sticker in their Student Organiser and are expected to attend a breaktime detention that day. If they fail to attend they are placed in a 30 minute detention on the same day. Also, if they are late 3 times in a week they will be placed in an 30 minute detention on Friday.
If a student is consistently late further sanctions will apply.
We consider it a concern if a student’s attendance falls below our academy target. In these circumstances our attendance team will work with other members of staff, parents and carers and the student to address concerns and create an action plan to support an improvement. Persistent absentees will be referred to the Education Welfare Officer.
We may ask the Local Authority to issue a fixed penalty notice fine after six sessions/three days of unauthorised absence in a single academic year. If a child is late for school and arrives after the register has been closed, this will be counted as one session of unauthorised absence. Holidays during term time, which have not been authorised by the Head of School, are unauthorised absences. Fixed penalty notice fines may also be issued where a pupil or student is stopped with their parent or carer during a truancy sweep and the absence is not authorised by their school. Fixed penalty notice fines are per child and can be per parent or carer. Even if your child does not live with you, if you have parental responsibility and live within a reasonable distance you are expected to ensure they attend school as you could also be issued with a fixed penalty notice fine.
Contact details
Mrs Samuels
Mrs Dobell
Mr Watkinson